What inspires one person may leave the next person cold. When you understand an employee’s thinking and behavioral preferences, you’ll be able to maximize his or her enthusiasm. The following are 8 ways to get your staff moving in the same direction. This can lead to incredible returns on your investment in long-term personnel. Personality profiles can also be an effective tool to understanding the personality styles of your team.

1. Analytical types want to know that a project is valuable, and that their work makes a difference to its success. They prefer compensation that is commensurate with their contribution.
2. People who are “structural” by nature want to know their work contributes to the company’s progress. They like to be rewarded in writing, in a timely manner – an encouraging e-mail is appropriate to communicate with them.
3. Social people want to feel personally valued. They prefer to be rewarded in person with a gesture that is from the heart – a handwritten note or gift card for lunch would be appropriate.
4. Innovative employees must buy into a cause – the big picture matters. They prefer to be rewarded with something unconventional and imaginative, and would find a whimsical token of your esteem such as a recognition piece for their desk or their wall very meaningful.
5. Quiet staffers don’t need a lot of fanfare just some one-on-one encouragement. A private conversation would be encouraging.
6. Expressive people feel more motivated when assignments are openly discussed and an open door is available – they like public recognition, with pomp, and ceremony.
7. Peacekeepers want everyone will move in the same direction. They’ll never demand a reward or recognition, so anything you offer will be appreciated.
8. Hard-drivers are independent thinkers. If they agree with you, they’ll be highly motivated. If you ask them, they will let you know what type of recognition they want since they’re always upfront.